Donate A Dollar

A Small Amount can Make a BIG Impact

Please consider donating just one dollar to become a valued supporter of NABFEME. Even a small donation can make a huge impact on the work we do. You can choose to donate one dollar, two dollars, ten dollars, a dollar a day, $30 for a month, or $365 for a year. Your donation, no matter what you choose, no matter how small or large, can help us make a difference in the lives of the women whose careers we impact.

The NABFEME Foundation is a non-profit organization registered under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its mission is to provide educational content, programs, and opportunities that promote gender equity, education, empowerment, and inclusion. Your donations help us to continue providing support programs and resources that empower women to achieve their personal and professional goals.

You can donate $1, $5, or $20 at a time. If you donate $30 or more, we will send you a special NABFEME High Heels in High Places®️ tote bag, perfect for shopping and other activities.

Become one… donate one dollar!

Thank you for your contribution!
